
趙志民 博士 / Chih-Min Chao, Ph.D.

職稱:教授 (Professor)

學歷:國立中央大學 資訊工程博士(Ph.D. Computer Science and Information Engineering, N.C.U, Taiwan)

專長:無線網路、行動計算、計算機網路、分散式系統(Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Computer Networks, Distributed Systems.)

電話:+886-2-24622192 ext 6651
電子郵件: cmchao@ntou.edu.tw
辦公室:資工系館(電機二館) 614 室

Biography of Chih-Min Chao
Dr. Chih-Min Chao received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Fu-Jen Catholic University and National Tsing-Hua University in 1992 and 1996, respectively. He was with the SENAO International in 1996. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Central University in January of 2004. He was an assistant professor at the TamKang University, Taiwan, from 2004 to 2005. He joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University where he worked as an assistant professor (2005-2008) and an associate professor (2008-present). His research interests include wireless communications, mobile computing and cloud computing.

Research Interests
Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing:
§ Wireless Sensor Networks
§ Cloud Computing
§ Mobile Computing
§ Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
§ Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11)
§ Protocols Design: MAC, power management, routing, transportation protocols

Research Activities
Conference/Journal Activities:
§ TPC member of IADIS Int’l Conference Wireless Applications and Computing 2007
§ TPC member of The 2nd Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN 2006)
§ TPC member of IEEE Int’l Workshop on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (AHUC2006)
§ TPC member of IEEE Int’l Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC2006)
§ TPC member of IEEE ICCCN 2005
§ TPC member of WiNCS 2005
§ Reviewer of IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, IEICE Trans. Communications, Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC), etc.
§ Reviewer of ICC’03, VTC’F04, Globecom’04, MASS’04, ICC’05, WCNC’05

Other Activities
§ 教育部 93 學年度『通訊教育國際化發展方案』種子教師
§ 交通大學 93 年度『通訊與電腦整合應用人才培訓計畫』教師

Awards and Honors
§ 第三屆無線隨意及感測網路研討會最佳論文獎,2007(趙志民,郭桓銜,“無線感測網路之跨層省電協定設計”)
§ 國立臺灣海洋大學中工會分會九十六學年度工程論文競賽特優,指導教授,2007(獲獎學生:李文傑、蔡弦辰、羅期源、黃信哲)
§ 第五屆無線隨意及感測網路研討會最佳論文獎,2009(趙志民,李奕緯,“無線感測網路中流量感知的省電媒體存取控制”)
§ 2009 RFID TENDENCY CUP佳作(top 5 out of 91),指導教授,2009(獲獎學生:蘇怡微、林宜珊、蔡琇錡)
§ 教育部109學年度『5G行動寬頻人才培育計畫』』最優課程獎
§ 國立台灣海洋大學沛華學術研究獎勵 (2022, 2023)
§ 國立臺灣海洋大學延攬及留住特殊優秀人才獎勵(103-112)